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Oracle of Art School

  Skills & Soul Esteem to Liberate your Inner Artist

I never liked the word 'ART' until I defined it as: 'Aligning Radical Truth'; the gnarly, the real, the soft, the raw... whatever wants to be born through you. There is no way you can get it wrong. Woa!


To make the poetry of life tangible,
Quiet the external noise
Open your channel,
meet your Self

Oracle of Art

As a classically trained Artist, Mystical Coach & Creative Doulah, I believe that the process of art is a life transformative tool. 


I created Oracle of Art School to teach you the visual language to liberate your creativity. Art is creating something out of nothing-it's pure manifestation. Once you have the skills and confidence, what will your dynamic inner world express?

Why do we express ourselves?  Because we are Divine Consciousness expressing as You and Me. Lifeforce Energy, Source, Spirit, Higher Self, Creative Power, Intuition are other ways to describe it. Life hack: It flows best when you're aligned with a sacred purpose and the heart.

To make living itself an art, that is the goal  -Henry Miller

 â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹Maybe you're the Artist Archetype who dresses as a main character of your life, and paints your door bright mango yellow, and makes artful food for your loved ones, or the Mystic who paints in devotion to the Divine, or a painter of nudes, or reclaimer of your inner child, or you only want to paint for yourself... Click to find out



Here’s what you can expect as a member:

- Access to exclusive library of fundamentals, workshops and tutorials for all levels
- Monthly deep dive into a masterclass and a coinciding theme to inspire a fresh painting (or series!?)

- Prompts to create the work of your heart and soul

- Weekly coaching & guided journeys to inspire your creative juices 
- Monthly challenges to spark your creativity and watch your life shift around you
- Monthly Q&A: Accountability for the power you possess : I will call you forward to the power & unique gifts I see within you
- A community of women supporting one another's creative expression
- Personalized feedback

- Sharing all I've learned about making a living as an artist

Crystal Salt

What's up with the Mystical Flavor?

Fear lives at the edge of what we know. Art asks us to go beyond what we currently know. That is where the mystics go - they follow the heart into the unknown to dance with the pulse of life beyond logic. We mystical artists practice channeling creative power through our hearts and hands to be front row for the birth of new life 

The importance of finding the right teacher is underrated. I had teachers who planted seeds of inadequacy and self doubt which sprouted weeds of inadequacy and dependency for years following. I am a painting teacher who sees you as God and doesn't feel threatened by your innate genius, instead supports you in weeding everything in the mind that doubts that.

What energy in YOU wants to be expressed/transmitted/translated? It is a frequency before it's a subject matter. Imagine someone finding your work in the future, each painting a nugget of your life charged with your presence.

It's fine if you don't yet know what I'm saying - we are magicians who allow magical acts happen through us - and we get front row seats. 

-Whitney Houston

God gave me a voice to sing with, and when you have that, what other gimmick is there?

A bit of context...

I'm Nadja!

I've spent 24+ years seeking the 'who, what, where, when, why, how' of my art to widen my capacity for creativity, sharpen my tools, and be able to describe and translate my life through painted poetry. In many ways I feel I'm only just getting started.

My training: I started painting as a way to heal my broken heart at 15, which led to getting a BFA at FSU, then to private teachers, countless workshops, and classical training at an Atelier (an oral skill based tradition based on from the Old Master Artists like Michelangelo). 

My Mysticism : I was a little girl with psychic abilities from a long lineage of prophets and visionaries. I could see auras, but longed to fit in with the 'normal' kids. I turned down my gifts, and spent 30 years balancing the outer world noise, and my inner world's wisdom. I moved to Israel at 22 to learn Jewish mysticism for 5 years in Jerusalem and Tsvat (an idyllic artist kabbalistic haven) and have now incorporated mysticism from many different traditions. It's basically about recognizing ourselves as vessels for magical acts to happen through us...


You already have a voice, I'm here to remind you to use it


  I created the ORACLE OF ART SCHOOL  
to empower your creative liberation  

Art is communication that requires both feminine & masculine principals

SOUL: Connect to yourself and the Feminine Creative Power that courses through you. 

SKILL: Without learning the alphabet, how could I speak to you? Poets & Writers learn to write, Musicians need to learn the notes, Painters learn the visual language to communicate. This is the Masculine structure to art 


Develop both wings, Soul and Skill, of the bird, and get to flying!

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Art is more than the final product, it is the plug connecting Human with Divine


Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. -Rumi

What's alchemy got to do with art?
I once set an intention to alchemize insecurity so every brushstroke I imagined my painting asked me, "Will you still love me if I looked like this?"  That is now the name of the painting, who continues to ask me that question whenever I look at him.
Bring all of yourself to your canvas. Reclamation comes from accepting it all, and meeting our full self in the process. The inner artist is the greatest alchemist of all!

Read my article on alchemizing emotions into art here

Art changes the way we see things as humanity - this world sees art as insignificant, but it's the most significant thing you can do to use the power of perception for good. Have you ever seen an exquisite flower when you were depressed? Did it nourish your soul as only beauty can? Have you smelled a mother's cooking when you're homesick? Art is a vehicle for love to travel to
the corners of the mind and planet.

And do not think you'll arrive - every painting is an arrival and departure for something new. When you tap into your infinite fountain of creative flow, there is no stopping the endless wisdom that wants to give life, and the value you just created out of nothing!

I'm beyond grateful to have you here, and cannot WAIT to see what births through you & sets you free.


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